István Dániel, egy Amerikában élő magyar honfitársunk hihetetlen részletességgel feltárta, mi is történik Amerikában.
Mindenkinek meg kell hallgatnia, és rögtön képben lesz!
Íme a videó:
(Videó: István Dániel)
Forrás: mindenszó
Police remove barricades set by protesters during a demonstration over the killing of George Floyd by a policeman outside the Third Police Precinct on May 27, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - Demonstrators gathered on May 27 for a second night of protests over the killing in the US city of Minneapolis of a handcuffed black man by a policeman who held him to the ground with a knee on his neck. As dusk fell, police formed a human barricade around the Third Precinct, where the officers accused of killing George Floyd worked before they were fired on Tuesday. (Photo by kerem yucel / AFP)