
Kedves Amerika! Demokráciáról, békéről és Oroszország háborús bűneiről beszélsz? Akkor most emlékeztetlek

A történelem kedvéért.
Két atombombát dobtál le Japánban, több ezer embert égettél meg, akik a mai napig szenvednek, csak hogy megmutasd az akkori Szovjetuniónak, hogy atombombátok van, és kussoljon., az erdőket egy egész állam infrastruktúráját, semmit sem hagytál állva, bombákat dobtál a városokba, falvakba, mindent elpusztítva.
Leromboltad Jugoszláviát Belgrád bombázásával, házakat, kórházakat bombáztál, anélkül, hogy bármit is számoltál volna.
Paródia perrel vádoltad Milosevicet Hágában bűnözőként, és megölted, hagytad, hogy az ouchekades megkeresztelje Koszovót (albán), mert tetszett neked.
A törökökök megszállták Ciprust, egy független államot, és még 50 éve sem találjuk a hiányzó csontjait, ami a mai napig tárgyalásra kényszerít minket, a hentesünkkel állítólag a ciprusi kérdés megoldására, miközben jól érzed magad a helyzetben.
Hagyod, hogy a törökök az Égei-tengeren barangoljanak, és azt mondod, hogy „találjunk egymásra”, miközben jól tudod, mi történik, és ki fenyeget kit.
Szétszakítottad Líbiát, az európai barátaiddal együtt, mert nem szeretted Kadhafit, és ő nem adott neked olajat ingyen.
6 teljes év polgárháborút vívtál Szíriában, mert nem szeretted Assadot, és zavart az orosz haditengerészeti támaszpont Szíriában, és Assad kiderült, hogy nagyon orosz.
Állítólag megszálltad Irakot, hogy megtaláld az atomfegyvereket, és Afganisztánt állítólag azért, hogy megtaláld a volt barátodat, Biladent, és elpusztítottad mindkét országot, ellenőrizetlen városokat és falvakat bombáztál, mindent elpusztítva, Bagdadra rakétát küldve Mr. Cruz a hajóidról ami felrobbant az óvóhelyeken, nőket és gyerekeket ölt. Ki tudja elfelejteni azt az éjszakát.
Demokráciáról beszélsz?
Ti srácok, akik felépítettétek a tökéletes központot a fizikai és mentális kínzásokhoz Guantanamóban?
Ti, akik tárgyalás nélkül felakasztották Husseint, aki legalább néhány évvel ezelőtt a legjobb barátotok és szövetségesetek volt?
Te, aki a háborúiddal és politikáddal létrehoztad az ISIS-t és a tálibokat.
Te, aki megdöntötted a legvéresebb puccsot Salvador Allientét Chilében, egy megválasztott demokratikus elnököt, megölted őt az elnöki palotában, és a legkegyetlenebb Pinochet diktatúrát telepítetted.
Te, aki a berlini fal leomlásakor megígérted Oroszországnak, hogy a NATO egy centit sem terjeszkedik, és az ígéreteid és megállapodásaid ellenére Oroszországot körülvetted?
Demokráciáról, békéről és Oroszország háborús bűneiről beszélsz?
Egész Európát megtöltötted Persink rakétákkal és Oroszország körüli körutazással, amit nem bántál.
A Minszki Megállapodás egyetlen feltételét sem tartottad be, miközben Oroszország ellenkezőleg, mindegyiküket teljesítette.
A képmutatók élete.
Még Hitlert is, a saját multinacionális cégeitek finanszírozták és szörnyeteggé tették.
Tehát már csak Ukrajna hiányzott a kirakósból, hogy teljes legyen a NATO hurok Oroszország körül, hogy ellehetetlenítsd.
2009 óta Putyin figyelmeztet, hogy Ukrajna vörös vonal.
2014-ben az általad leigázott puccsal kidobtad Janukovicot, megválasztott elnököt, kizsákmányolva a világot lemészároló náci és fasiszta ezredeket, és bábkormányt állítottál fel, hogy felkészítsd az országot a NATO-ba és az EU-ba való belépésre. Tudtadhogy ez egy vörös vonal Oroszországnak.
Demokráciáról és független államok inváziókról beszélsz?
A mai Oroszország, ha akarná, fél nap alatt egész Ukrajnát leigázná. De ő nem csinálja.
Nem akar hétköznapi embereket megölni. Az ukránok és az oroszok testvéri népek. És ez a tragikus része.
A mai napig nem mondtok igazat aljas hazugok.
Kihasználod az ukrán, de az orosz nép fájdalmát is és félrevezeted a világot.
Igen. Oroszországnak igaza van. Ez az igazság.
Figyelmeztetett, sikoltozott, megkért, hogy többé ne feszítsd a hurkot a nyaka köré.
Oroszország nem Irak vagy Szíria. Elszúrtad őt, és most valószínűleg rád fog ugrani. Remélem egyrészt gyorsan vége, másrészt nem teszi túl mélyre rakétáit, mert az egész bolygó segge fájni fog és sajnos nem csak a tiéd.
Ezek a hazug farizeus képmutatók.!!!!!!!!
For history’s sake.
You dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, burning thousands of people who are still suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nuclear bombs and shut up.
In Vietnam, you burned the world with napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you threw bombs into cities and villages, destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade, you bombed houses and hospitals without counting anything.
You accused Milosevic in a mock trial in the Hague as a criminal and killed him, you let the ouchekades christen Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
The Turks invaded Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years later we have not found its missing bones, forcing us to negotiate with our butcher, supposedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you feel good about the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, ask questions, the islands and say „let’s find each other”, while you know full well what is going on and who is threatening whom.
You tore up Libya, along with your European friends, because you didn’t like Gaddafi and he didn’t give you oil for free. You fought a civil war in Syria for 6 full years because you didn’t like Assad and were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq supposedly to find nukes and Afghanistan supposedly to find your ex-friend Bilade and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontrolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending a Baghdad missile Mr. Cruz from your ships that exploded in shelters, women and kills children. Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture at Guantanamo?
You who hanged Hussein without trial, who was your best friend and ally at least a few years ago?
You who created ISIS and the Taliban with your wars and politics.
You who overthrew the bloodiest coup Salvador Alliente in Chile, an elected democratic president, killed him in the presidential palace and installed the most brutal Pinochet dictatorship.
You, who promised Russia at the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO would not budge an inch, and despite your promises and agreements, you stepped on Russia’s feet.
Are you talking about democracy, peace and Russia’s war crimes?
You filled all of Europe with Persink missiles and a cruise around Russia, which you didn’t mind.
Not a single condition of the Minsk Agreement was observed, while Russia, on the contrary, fulfilled all of them. These lying Pharisees are hypocrites.!!!!!!!! For history’s sake.
You dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, burning thousands of people who are still suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nuclear bombs and shut up.
In Vietnam, you burned the world with napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you threw bombs into cities and villages, destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade, you bombed houses and hospitals without counting anything.
You accused Milosevic in a mock trial in the Hague as a criminal and killed him, you let the ouchekades christen Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
The Turks invaded Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years later we have not found its missing bones, forcing us to negotiate with our butcher, supposedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you feel good about the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, ask questions, the islands and say „let’s find each other”, while you know full well what is going on and who is threatening whom.
You tore up Libya, along with your European friends, because you didn’t like Gaddafi and he didn’t give you oil for free. You fought a civil war in Syria for 6 full years because you didn’t like Assad and were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq supposedly to find nukes and Afghanistan supposedly to find your ex-friend Bilade and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontrolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending a Baghdad missile Mr. Cruz from your ships that exploded in shelters, women and kills children . Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture at Guantanamo?
You who hanged Hussein without trial, who was your best friend and ally at least a few years ago?
You who created ISIS and the Taliban with your wars and politics.
You who overthrew the bloodiest coup Salvador Alliente in Chile, an elected democratic president, killed him in the presidential palace and installed the most brutal Pinochet dictatorship.
You, who promised Russia at the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO would not budge an inch, and despite your promises and agreements, you stepped on Russia’s feet.
Are you talking about democracy, peace and Russia’s war crimes?
You filled all of Europe with Persink missiles and a cruise around Russia, which you didn’t mind.
Not a single condition of the Minsk Agreement was observed, while Russia, on the contrary, fulfilled all of them. These lying Pharisees are hypocrites.!!!!!!!! For history’s sake.
You dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, burning thousands of people who are still suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nuclear bombs and shut up.
In Vietnam, you burned the world with napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you threw bombs into cities and villages, destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade, you bombed houses and hospitals without counting anything.
You accused Milosevic in a mock trial in the Hague as a criminal and killed him, you let the ouchekades christen Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
The Turks invaded Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years later we have not found its missing bones, forcing us to negotiate with our butcher, supposedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you feel good about the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, ask questions, the islands and say „let’s find each other”, while you know full well what is going on and who is threatening whom.
You tore up Libya, along with your European friends, because you didn’t like Gaddafi and he didn’t give you oil for free. You fought a civil war in Syria for 6 full years because you didn’t like Assad and were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq supposedly to find nukes and Afghanistan supposedly to find your ex-friend Bilade and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontrolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending a Baghdad missile Mr. Cruz from your ships that exploded in shelters, women and kills children . Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture at Guantanamo?
You who hanged Hussein without trial, who was your best friend and ally at least a few years ago?
You who created ISIS and the Taliban with your wars and politics.
You who overthrew the bloodiest coup Salvador Alliente in Chile, an elected democratic president, killed him in the presidential palace and installed the most brutal Pinochet dictatorship.
You, who promised Russia at the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO would not budge an inch, and despite your promises and agreements, you stepped on Russia’s feet.
Are you talking about democracy, peace and Russia’s war crimes?
You filled all of Europe with Persink missiles and a cruise around Russia, which you didn’t mind.
Not a single condition of the Minsk Agreement was observed, while Russia, on the contrary, fulfilled all of them. These lying Pharisees are hypocrites.!!!!!!!! For history’s sake.
You dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, burning thousands of people who are still suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nuclear bombs and shut up.
In Vietnam, you burned the world with napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you threw bombs into cities and villages, destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade, you bombed houses and hospitals without counting anything.
You accused Milosevic in a mock trial in the Hague as a criminal and killed him, you let the ouchekades christen Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
The Turks invaded Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years later we have not found its missing bones, forcing us to negotiate with our butcher, supposedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you feel good about the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, ask questions, the islands and say „let’s find each other”, while you know full well what is going on and who is threatening whom.
You tore up Libya, along with your European friends, because you didn’t like Gaddafi and he didn’t give you oil for free. You fought a civil war in Syria for 6 full years because you didn’t like Assad and were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq supposedly to find nukes and Afghanistan supposedly to find your ex-friend Bilade and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontrolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending a Baghdad missile Mr. Cruz from your ships that exploded in shelters, women and kills children . Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture at Guantanamo?
You who hanged Hussein without trial, who was your best friend and ally at least a few years ago?
You who created ISIS and the Taliban with your wars and politics.
You who overthrew the bloodiest coup Salvador Alliente in Chile, an elected democratic president, killed him in the presidential palace and installed the most brutal Pinochet dictatorship.
You, who promised Russia at the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO would not budge an inch, and despite your promises and agreements, you stepped on Russia’s feet.
Are you talking about democracy, peace and Russia’s war crimes?
You filled all of Europe with Persink missiles and a cruise around Russia, which you didn’t mind.
Not a single condition of the Minsk Agreement was observed, while Russia, on the contrary, fulfilled all of them. These lying Pharisees are hypocrites.!!!!!!!! For history’s sake.
You dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, burning thousands of people who are still suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nuclear bombs and shut up.
In Vietnam, you burned the world with napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of an entire state, you left nothing standing, you threw bombs into cities and villages, destroying everything.
You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade, you bombed houses and hospitals without counting anything.
You accused Milosevic in a mock trial in the Hague as a criminal and killed him, you let the ouchekades christen Kosovo (Albanian) because you liked it.
The Turks invaded Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years later we have not found its missing bones, forcing us to negotiate with our butcher, supposedly to solve the Cyprus issue, while you feel good about the situation.
You let the Turks roam the Aegean, ask questions, the islands and say „let’s find each other”, while you know full well what is going on and who is threatening whom.
You tore up Libya, along with your European friends, because you didn’t like Gaddafi and he didn’t give you oil for free. You fought a civil war in Syria for 6 full years because you didn’t like Assad and were bothered by the Russian naval base in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.
You invaded Iraq supposedly to find nukes and Afghanistan supposedly to find your ex-friend Bilade and you destroyed both countries, bombing uncontrolled cities and villages destroying everything, sending a Baghdad missile Mr. Cruz from your ships that exploded in shelters, women and kills children . Who can forget that night.
Are you talking about democracy?
You guys who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture at Guantanamo?
You who hanged Hussein without trial, who was your best friend and ally at least a few years ago?
You who created ISIS and the Taliban with your wars and politics.
You who overthrew the bloodiest coup Salvador Alliente in Chile, an elected democratic president, killed him in the presidential palace and installed the most brutal Pinochet dictatorship.
You, who promised Russia at the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO would not budge an inch, and despite your promises and agreements, you stepped on Russia’s feet.
Are you talking about democracy, peace and Russia’s war crimes?
You filled all of Europe with Persink missiles and a cruise around Russia, which you didn’t mind.
Not a single condition of the Minsk Agreement was observed, while Russia, on the contrary, fulfilled all of them.

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